Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Days of Promise

The fluffy white clouds skipped across the pale blue sky like happy little lambs.  The smell of dirt, sweat, sun, and tortillas mingled together to form the distinct fragrance of Guatemalan small towns that was wafting through the open windows of my car.  It was the kind of afternoon that held promise in its grip.

I was headed to the mission base to receive our first ever donation for the feeding center.  Now THAT was great news indeed.  Due to road construction I had decided to take a detour through a small town called Cuatro Caminos.  My sunroof was cracked, my windows were open, and I was delighting in the beautiful day.

Corban and I arrived at the ministry base in record time where we greeted Chrissy and Kimberly who were preparing for the afternoon class.  The kids soon poured in. They came laughing, running, and holding hands.  All of the children, plus 2 new faces were eager to begin.  

running down the hall to the class
eager to begin!!!!

As always, we had a time of praise, prayer, announcements.  And games!  Kimberly led the children in a game that tied in to the central message.

Pastora Ana, our vibrant Wednesday volunteer, shared the Bible story by BECOMING King Nebuchadnezzar and telling the story of Daniel from the king's point of view.  The children were awestruck and silent (imagine- 30 silent children- now THAT was a miracle!)

And then Alfonso came in with the representative of a company that was donating 6 boxes of rice towards our feeding center.  What a glorious day!!!!!  All of the children's eyes lit up when they saw their beloved Tío Alfonso.  All of our hearts lit up when we saw God's provision made so plain for us.

Chrissy went to work to open the boxes and set everything up for a picture with our generous donor.

We gathered our children close and posed for a picture.  God is so good.  Surely goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives!!!!!

As we cleaned up, Corban wanted to help.  I can always count on Mami's helper!  I do my best to train him up in the way he should go.  ha ha ha

The day ended with God's promises fulfilled.  We had been given the good news that a nutritionist had volunteered to help us evaluate the children.  In fact, his first evaluation is already scheduled!  A group from a local university had visited my home the night before to discuss ways they, too, could help us get a running start.  And the real and present donation of about 600 portions of rice and veggies is sitting outside the kitchen door as proof of God's faithfulness.  

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