Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Prayers for our People

I can hardly believe it has been a month since I have written.  Every time I thought I would sit down and write it seems like something came up. 
At this time, as I sit in the silence of my house (little guy is napping) I have only one thing on my mind.  PRAYER.  We need your prayers.

I have been living in Guatemala for 12 years.  Amazing to look back over the years and realize all the changes that have taken place in my life emotionally, spiritually, and every other way over the past decade plus.  It is also interesting to note the changes that have taken place in Guatemala.  Violence seems more prevalent now.  Or was I just oblivious to it before?  It used to be that the stories I heard of violent crimes were in the news or friends of friends of friends... But now it is my friends and neighbors that are the victims.  Thankfully, it hasn't been me or my family.

My next door neighbor was the victim of a hijacking attempt last month.  2 cars surrounded her on the highway and after trying to intimidate her by forcing her off of the road stopped in front of her to force her to stop.  Fortunately she had the forethought to jump the median strip and do a u-turn despite the oncoming traffic. 

Just a couple of weeks ago Yolanda was on a bus that was hijacked.  The attackers pulled guns on the driver and passengers, shooting and killing a man who was sitting behind Yolanda.  She told me afterwards that although she lives in the infamous neighborhood called La Limonada, she has never witnessed a killing before.  While the attackers were distracted she managed to throw herself from the moving bus, saving her own life. 

I have heard of friends being mugged at stoplights, in the mall, and worse.  Recently 2 candidates running for mayor of San Jose Pinula were killed.  I suppose that is one way to insure that you win the election!!!!!  Alfonso had been actively supporting one candidate.  He has wisely desisted from any furthur support at this point.

So, pray for us.  Pray for this nation.  Pray for peace and safety.  Pray for the government officials to have wisdom and INTEGRITY. 

Pray for the world.  So many nations are in turmoil even as I write this.  Droughts and famine in Africa are causing tragic human deaths. 

Apart from the violence we are living with, our team members are facing personal obstacles as well.  Alfonso recently suffered the loss of his father.  This was a difficult experience for him.  The ABA team is his family now and we did our best to support him during this difficult time.

Yolanda has her personal struggles as well.  Although I greatly admire her faith and determination, I know that there are moments when she needs encouragement and answers to prayer.

The list could go on... I will just leave you with this thought... pray for our people.  The ABA team needs your prayers.  The nation of Guatemala needs your prayers.  The world needs your prayers.

God bless.