Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Birthdays and special gifts

About a month or so ago, my husband, Francisco, was reading the Bible to our 3-year-old, Corban.  They came across the word "offering".  Corban was intrigued.  What is an offering exactly?  My husband explained that it is like a special gift for Jesus.  We can give Jesus many things: our money, our time, our talents, etc.  Wanting to know what was on Corban's mind and in his heart, he asked what did Corban think would be a special gift for Jesus and what would Corban like to give him.  Without hesitation, Corban enthusiastically answered, "a toy!".  Of course, what could be more precious to a small child than a toy?

one little girl excited to recieve her birthday bag
The children that attend our Little Giants program, although village children facing many econimic, family, and educational challenges, are like any other child in the world.  They value toys as a special gift- on their birthdays or for any other occasion.  However much they appreciate receiving toys, they also place a high value on pratical gifts.  Imagine having just one matching pair of socks, with holes in the toes, worn thin at the heel, to get you through the week?  Or having no socks at all and having to walk miles to school and home again in hard shoes that rub blisters on bare feet.  Socks and underwear are a special treat to "our" children.  Imagine your teeth rotting and painful because you have no toothbrush or toothpaste.  Imagine your hair a knotted mess.  Imagine what it must be like to know that every year for your brithday you will recieve soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, underwear, socks, and a small toy.  Now THAT is a happy birthday for a village child.

Yolanda standing with the birthday children
At the end of each month, the Brazos Abiertos outreach team celebrates birthdays.  We give each child who has had a birthday during the month a birthday bag with the above mentioned items.  These bags have been lovingly sown by a wonderful woman in Virginia.  The children love them and find a hundred uses for them after their birthdays.  This year, though, we were running out of bags.  The sweet woman who had so generously supplied bags for our children for the past few years became ill and unable to make enough bags for all of our children this year.  What to do??? 

We began to pray about it.  We trusted the Lord to meet our need and help us bless these children.  The good Lord moved through family and contacts of Chrissy's.  Because of a donation of material and a volunteer we will have birthday bags for the rest of the year!

enjoying cupcakes!
Chrissy has such a generous heart.  She is such a sweet, loving, giving person like very few I have met.  She selflessly purchases the supplies for the birthday cakes each month and the staff busily prepares the birthday cakes for our 3 Little Giants programs.  This past March she made cupcakes.  Chrissy told me how before she had even made it all the way in the door the children saw the cupcakes and their faces lit up and broad smiles overtook their sweet faces.  What a special treat for children who most likely will not have a birthday cake at home.

one of the games enjoyed at our last brthday celebration
Besides cakes and birthday bags, the team prepares a class full of games and fun- all designed to review the month's lessons.  I think it is a time that children and staff alike enjoy.

Thank you to each individual and church who has supplies money, supplies, and birthday bags over the years to make each birthday a special event. 

see our website to find out how you can be a part of making these birthday smiles happen!

some of the moms helping to serve cupcakes

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012


Today I was happy to be heading back to the mission base.  The almost 3 months since Cohen was born have flown by, but at times they have seemed to drag by.  A bit of cabin fever has started to set in.  It was wonderful to celebrate Yolanda's birthday with the team. 

Laughing and joking with my fellow teammates brought back such good memories.  In the midst of the conversation I asked Yoli about her children- as I often do.  Her eyes became watery as she talked about them- as they often do!  She is so proud of her children, and with good reason.  She has 2 bright children, both of them respectful and obedient.

We talked about Kevin- now 17 years old!!!!!  I met him when he was 12 years old.  In just 5 years he has gone from being a pre-teen to a young man.  Yet, his heart has remained childlike and loving.  He has always been a star student.  However, never was I more impressed than now.  He remains at the top of his class despite being involved in church 3 to 5 nights a week, playing in the church band, and taking classes in the church music academy.  He stays busy serving God. 

Kevin has big dreams.  He dreams of going to University in just a year and a half.  He wants to become an engineer.  Imagine!  He and his family live in the famed "La Limonada"- a slum in Guatemala city best known for crime and substance abuse.  Having had personally worked in La Limonada daily for approximately 5 years, I can tell you that it is not a pretty sight.  Poverty abounds.  Sickness and substance abuse run rampant.  Every where your eyes turn you see depression. sadness, sickness, and just about every other manifestation of the curse of the law.  Yet, there in the midst of this feared and avoided shanty town are families who seek the Lord.  Yolanda's family is one of them.  In the midst of this place where most people never study past 6th grade, Kevin strives to obtain his college degree.

Yolanda tells me that she recently had a conversation with him regarding his studies.  In the next few months Kevin will be finished with his music studies at church.  Now what to study?  Yolanda is encouraging him to study English.  She wants him to have the opportunity to serve as an interpreter when mission teams come to Guatemala.  Yoli, like the rest of us at CCJ, adores working with mission teams.  It seems to breathe new life into us.  She wants that experience of serving God to the fullest alongside other committed christians for her son.

As she shared this with me I could see her expression turn thoughtful.  Of course- she is thinking how his current studies, his future college career, and his English classes- all cost money.  Before she even mentions what an expense it will be for her family she first mentions God's faithfulness.  She began to recite for us a variety of instances where God answered her prayers and where God's provision was evident in her home life.  A true women of faith.  We love Yolanda and are always encouraged by her steadfastness during personal trials and her quickness to encourage others in the midst of their own.

Keep Kevin in your prayers.  This bright young man remains respectful and obedient at home.  Let's ask the Lord to give him wisdom as he makes decisions regarding his future.  Let's ask the angels of the Lord to camp around him as he lives his daily life in a dangerous red zone of the city.  Let's ask the Lord to provide for Kevin's education.

God bless you all as you stand with us in prayer concerning Yolanda, her husband, and her children.