Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Thankful thoughts

As I sit here in my den with Corban playing nearby my heart overflows with gratitude.  The rain is pattering against the windows as outside the thunder threatens an even heavier downpour.  Yet, here I am, snug and dry with a cup of tea by my side.

I am so thankful for so many things.  Living in Guatemala has taught me so much about what has true value (although I am still learning) and how many things we often take for granted.

My heart gives thanks for my house, it is warm and cozy, modern and new, my OWN home with plumbing, electricity, warm water showers, filtered, pure water, area rugs and comfortable furniture.  I love my house. 
Praying for thoses who live in shacks with dirth floors which have probably turned to muddy messes in this weather.

I am thankful for my son and the one on the way.  I thank God for HIS faithfulness, fulfilling HIS promise of health and long life in the lives of our children.  Praying for all the families who are hurting because of sickness and disease.  Praying for mothers of terminally ill children.

Thank you Jesus for such a wonderful husband.  I hear others talk of problems at home and in the marriage.  I have seen marriages that were struggling.  Guatemala is plagued with machoism and unfaithful men.  Thank you Lord for the man of God you brought into my life who lives each day to serve and bless me as his wife.  Thank you for a man with a strong work ethic and sense of integrity.  Thank you for a husband that I can trust completely and who goes above and beyond the "call of duty" to assure that his wife is cared for, nurtured, loved, and blessed.  He truly loves me as Christ loves the church.  My heart bursts with love and admiration for him.

I am thankful for my car.  Sounds silly.  However, a good portion (probably most) of my friends either don't have a vehicle at all or must share one family vehicle.  My car was a blessing from a wonderful church.  It has served me well, and by doing that, served the Lord well.  Together (with my car) we have travelled to villages, mountains, orphanages, jails, slums, and feeding centers taking the love of Christ in the form of teaching and provision.  My car hasn't failed me once.  Not one time.  Just like my God.   Praying for the safety of friends and aquaintances who travel on the public buses in Guatemala.

Although I may not be a fashion diva.  Although my clothes might be second hand (more than half of them) and none of them are this year's fashion... I am thankful for a closet full.  I see children every day who are barefoot, dirty, with torn and tattered clothes.  I am so grateful to the Lord for allowing me to have a closet full of nice things to wear.  And my children!!!!  The clothes we have been given for them.  What a blessing.  Truly the Lord is providing for us.

I could continue to write, but Corban is getting restless.  Anyway, I don't think this blog could contain all of the things in my life I am thankful for.  God has been good to me.  It certainly isn't because of who I am or what I have done.  He is good to me because HE IS GOOD.  

Help me Lord to always be thankful for what I have and not to complain about the things I wish I had.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

technical difficulties

dressed warmly for a cool morning
Last Thursday morning started out dreary and overcast.  After all, we are in the last stretch of the rainy season and it does seem to rain more this time of year.  I got up early and got into action.  Getting myself ready to go is easy enough when I have an early day.  Adding to that getting Corban in gear, dressed, fed, and all his snacks and extra clothes packed... well, it makes for a busy morning.

By 8:30am we were all loaded into the car and headed off to Brazos Abiertos to pick up Chrissy and Alfonso so that we could go to one of the orphanages.  The road to San Jose Pinula is a disaster!  So many potholes.  Corban was laughing all the way and exclaiming each time the car "jumped"... I was just trying to keep my faithful Xterra in one peice!  Some of the potholes are so large that they have tires laying in them to try to fill them up.  Dodging potholes AND oncoming traffic is more challenging than any video game I have ever played.

Once a month this orphanage has asked us that we do a special activity with the children during our regular classtime.  Thursday was the special activity with the older children.  Chrissy and Alfonso had decided to show the movie "Facing the Giants".  I thought this was an excellent idea.  What an awesome movie!  And  something that young people are interested in- sports.

Chrissy greeting one of the orphans

Before class started

Chrissy starting class
 After an introduction and prayer with the class, the movie was popped in.  The technical problem?  Apparantly the orphanage had misplaced the control to the DVD player.  This means we could not change the language selection of the movie.  This means that the movie was all in English!!!!!  Obviously these children weren't going to enjoy a movie they couldn't understand.  So, out came the movie.

Alfonso and Chrissy did a great job of improvising a class.  They quickly had a review of previous classes and handed out prizes for correct answers.  I was thrilled to see how much the children had actually learned during this school year.

The conclusion?  The next time we meet we will bring out own DVD player.

Corban sitting quietly with Mirian- the babysitter             

 P.S.  I have no idea why all the pictures are sideways.  No idea at all.  And no idea how to fix it.