Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane... it's Vacation Bible School!

With an aviation theme the Brazos Abiertos team and volunteers taught approximately 50 children that seeking first the Kingdom of God is a REAL adventure.  With Bible and real life examples of adventurers the children were taught a different aspect of the main theme daily during our Vacation Bible School week.

"The wonderful Adventure of Seeking God"
The sunshine peeking through the clouds on Tuesday morning held the promise of laughter.  As I walked up the stairwell towards the third level of the ministry base I could hear that laughter resounding within our concrete walls.  The ministry building was filled with joy as nearly 50 children joined our staff and volunteers for a time of praise and worship.

With enthusiasm not marred by a life of religiosity, these children freely lifted hands and danced unto the Lord.  Despite coming from homes where little if any knowledge of Jesus exists we have been able to bring these energetic little people into a place of reverent worship.  It is a precious thing to behold as they bring their petitions to the Lord in faith.

I remember going to VBS.  I remember fingering a quarter in my pocket and waiting expectantly for my turn to give in the offering.  The children packed into our activity room only differed in they type of coin they fingered- quetzales instead of quarters!  This year on of our volunteers came up with a creative offering bucket- one that actually smiled at the children as they gave.  One that might look familiar to some of you.

our offering bucket

The VBS morning begins with all ages together learning the central theme for the day.  Then we split up into 4 age groups for snack, Bible lesson, memory verse, and craft. 

Chrissy with her class

Yolanda with her class

craft time!

the smallest little people

I have such fond memories of VBS as a child.  Learning Bible truths that molded and shaped my heart and therefore my life.  I am so thankful to the women of the church who worked so hard to plan classes, crafts, and snacks.  As I looked around me on Tuesday at the smiles and heard the children recite memory verses from the previous day I was filled with a sense of KNOWING that VBS will hold the same sweet memories for the children of San José Pinula.

On behalf of these children I want to thank the staff and volunteers of Brazos Abiertos who diligently planned and carried out the classes, crafts, and snacks.  I want to thank our supporters who sowed finances making this week possible.

May God bless you all!

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Doña Yoli- an inspiration and example

It is easy after so many years of mission work to think more highly of yourself than you ought to think.  It is a snare that the devil lays for us- that trap of thinking you are doing a pretty good job of reaching people.  You can start to check off the good deeds you have done like a to-do list: the people whose lives you have changed, the hundreds and thousands you have led to Christ over the years, or the amount of food and clothes that have gone from your hands to someone in more need.  It is easy to look at charts and graphs that paint a picture of growth (and therefore success).

It is easy to fall prey to the perverted lie that numbers matter most and the more important aspect of mission work is what is visible and tangible so that others can see- and maybe applaud. 

Yet when these dark thoughts begin to reach the depths of my heart as a shadow growing long in the evening will overtake its surroundings there is a voice inside of me that reminds me that if I have not love I have nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

love is patient, love is kind

1 Corinthians chapter 13 is a good reminder of what should truly motivate us as we serve the Lord, whether in full-time ministry or as laymen.

Today I was reunited with Yoli, the woman who first introduced me to the villages around San José Pinula and opened the door for CrossCulture Jesus to begin working there.

Once again I was reminded of what it is like to serve God and serve others out of genuine concern and love for people.  Every step we took we were bombarded by village dwellers wanting a word with "Hermana Yoli".  She had a kind smile and soft word for each woman we greeted.  She asked about the members of their families by name.  She made promises of stopping by later for coffee and prayer.  She confided in me her deep desire to help each family with food, clothes, medicine, and whatever else could be needed.

It was a refreshing reminder to me that there is life outside of motherhood.  And while motherhood is a divine calling in itself, I miss being "in the trenches" so to speak.

It was also a reminder that there is so much more work for us to do.  My heart breaks with the burden to reach these villages and I find myself pleading with God to send us more workers because the harvest where we are is truly, truly plentiful but the workers on our team are so very few.

Lord bring more "Yoli's" to our team!

the fields are ripe unto the harvest

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Quaking and Shaking

Something all my years of Bible Institute never prepared me for- an earthquake!  Today we experienced the largest earthquake in Guatemala since the huge one in 1976 that caused so much destruction and death.  It was a sobering few seconds to feel the earth rocking and rolling beneath me and I so utterly powerless to control it.

My first instinct was not to panic.  Then as I felt fear welling up inside of me when the shaking did not subside I realized that it was time to call upon the name of the Lord.  My thoughts immediately ran to my baby upstairs in the church nursery, my pre-schooler at his pre-school, and my husband on the 5th floor of a rickety old building.  Were they all okay?  All I could do was trust the Lord.

It is at moments such as these when faith really comes into play.  The Word of God that I had been reading and meditating on for years suddenly bubbled up in my spirit like springs of fresh water.  I remembered that my family and I were those that dwell in the secret place of the Most High and therefore entitled to all the promises of Psalm 91.  And of course I remembered that God is my refuge and God is my strength and a very present help in times of trouble- THEREFORE I WILL NOT FEAR THOUGH THE EARTH BE REMOVED AND THOUGH THE MOUNTAINS BE CARRIED INTO THE MIDST OF THE SEA.  sounds like an earthquake.

Thanks be to God, my family and I are fine.  Here in the capital city of Guatemala and its outskirts there was no destruction.  However, I have been told that in a distant part of the country called San Marcos is where the epicenter was located and there many houses fell, many lives were lost, and they were not so fortunate as I.

We have been told to beware of after shocks which could even be stronger.  We have been told to prepare for a state of emergency.  So I have packed diaper bags with fresh water, baby food, granola and cereal bars.  I have children's pajamas and tons of diapers all packed and ready to go.  Yes, I am a woman of faith, but I firmly believe in being prepared.  Should we need to flee this house I fully trust in God's faithfulness.  I fully expect his mercy to abound toward us and I know we will be fine- under the shadow of His wings.  But if I run- I want to run with food and drink and the knowledge that I have done the best I could for my kids.

Some may ask that if I am so confident in God's faithfulness then what happened to those in San Marcos upon whom tragedy rained?  God is faithful.  Always.  His faithfulness is a part of His character.  I believe that God is also faithful to take home His own and faithful to reunite us at the appropriate time.

So take time right now to thank God for His faithfulness in your life.  And if you are not sure that you are in the family of God, take time right now to recognize that Jesus Christ paid the price for your sin, you are forgiven.  Accept that gift, ask God for His forgiveness and ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord.  God is faithful.

Also let us pray for those where were so deeply affected by this earthquake.  May God heal the hurting and bring peace to hearts and minds.  May the Good Lord use my family and I in any way possible to reach out to those in need.