Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Sunday Dinner

I remember going to Grandma's house every Sunday for a family lunch- Sunday Dinner.  Daddy had 10 living brothers and sisters at that time- and the cousins were countless.  Adults would linger around Grandma's extra long kitchen table (and yes, it is extra big, it seats over 20) sipping on ice tea and savoring homemade poundcake while the children would play softball in the front yard.  Warm, sweet memories of childhood.

This past Sunday I had the chance to be a part of a differnt Sunday Dinner at the home of a very special lady- Yolanda- who is a member of our outreach team.

Fielding and Carla Cage, the missionaries who are with us this month, had been invited to speak at Yolanda's church.  Her church is located right on the edge of over populated gulley known as La Limonada.  I have been to her church many times.  Sometimes to take visiting missionaries to minister and other times to minister myself.  The day dawned rainy and yucky.  The atmosphere outside of the car was bleak as we drove to zone 1, however inside the car we prayed, rejoiced, and fellowshipped on the way.

Yoni- Yolanda's husband
 Once we arrived at the church we were greeted by Yolanda's husband, pictured on the right.  He and other men from the church were in charge of "the sales" that day.  Many churches in Guatemala, both protestant and catholic, raise money by selling food after the service.  Those in charge of the sales for that particular Sunday must get up early, bring the food fresh from the market, and prepare it during the service.

It was fun to see the men eagerly take part in the sales this Sunday.  It isn't often that we find men in the kitchen in Guatemala.  They laughed and joked among each other, their commrodery was evident.  One man laughed as he showed off the church "kitchen" which consisted of a few tables pushed together to form a sort of counter top and a grill made of an abandoned tire rim on legs.  

The grill

Rebecca, on the left, serving with the dance team
Yolanda's entire family is involved in service at the church.  As we left the men to their work, we were greeted by Rebecca, Yolanda's 12 year old daughter.  She was all dressed and ready to serve with the dance team. Yolanda's 17 year old son climbed into the drum box to serve with the praise team.  And Yolanda rushed off to join the prayer team before the service.  We "gringos" were left to fend for ourselves!!!!  Luckily, after serving in La Limonada with Tita Evertsz for over 5 years many of the faces in the church were familiar and friendly.

After a lively time of praise and worship Fielding was called upon to preach to the congregation. 

Fielding preaching.  me interpreting.
His encouraging message on recieving freely from God as children and not servants moved the hearts of the hearer.  When the altar call was made for salvation, healing, or a stirring of the gifts and callings of God, a third of the congregation gathered at the front for prayer.

The beginning of the altar call.  Eventually one third of the congregation was huddled at the front
Fielding and Carla moved among those at the front, praying indivually for each person's need.  Salvations and healings took place.  Many wanted prayer for their spiritual life.
Carla praying for a lady

Kimberly and her baby

Sandy and her baby
Once the service was coming to a close a very special surprise unfolded.  Kimberly, a former student from my days teaching in La Limonada, was dedicating her month old baby girl that day.  What a privilege to be a witness to such an event!  Kimberly had been my student when she was just 11 years old.  Now, to see her grown and married with a baby of her own- words cannot describe the joy I felt.  With her that day was her sister, Sandy, who is also married with a 7 month old girl.  And little Evelyn, one of the most adorable, shy little 4 year olds I ever met was standing there big as day- and 15 years old!!!!!!!  How quickly the time flies!!!!!

The pastor leading the congregation in a prayer of dedication
Kimberly quietly took her place on the platform next to the pastor who gently took the sleeping baby girl from her.  The pastor lead the congregation in a prayer for both the baby and her parents.  I felt nearly as proud as the grandparents must have been.  and afterwards I had a chance to hold and kiss that precious little angel.

By this time Sunday dinner was sounding better and better!!!!!!!!  And so began our descent into La Limonada.  There is no other word to describe the walk along those well trodden cement trails.  At the beginning of 18th street there are a set of stairs that lead straight downward all the way to very bottom of the gulley.  I had traversed that path daily on my to and from the bus stop for many years.  But now it had changed.  It was in slightly better condition.  I suppose progress reaches even the forgotten depths of La Limonada!

As we entered more and more deeply into gang territory my mind began to play back pleasant memories of my time as a teacher there:  Memories of walking those alley ways holding the hands of sweet little children, greeting beggars, homemakers, and gang members alike.  The progress to Yolanda's house was slow as along the way I stop to chat with aquaintances from long ago.

Kevin and Rebecca on the stairs of their house
At long last we arrived at Yolanda's house.  She is so proud of her 2-story home.  After many years of believing God to enlarge her one-room home Victory Christian Academy of Faith Landmarks Ministries in Richmond, Virginia raised the money to make that dream come true.  Yolanda proudly gave us a tour of her tidy little dwelling.

Then we sat down to eat Pepían with her family.  Pepían is a typical chicken dish made with sesame seeds, sunflowers, and a variety of other ground spices.  Keep in mind that all the seeds and spices are purchase fresh at the market and ground by Yolanda.  She also served us Christmas fruit punch.  The smell of the cinnamon and cloves wafted up to fill our noses with the sweet smell of the holidays!  Our ears were full of the sounds of family and friends outside as neighbors mingled in the street. 

After dinner Yolanda pulled a cake and we all sang Happy Birthday to Chrissy whose birthday is this coming weekend.  After singing serveral different versions in several different languages we finally dug into the cake.

It was definitely a day worth remembering.  It was good to be a part of blessing so many people during the church service.  It was good to participate in Kimberly's baby's dedication.  It was good to rejoice with Yolanda over the many blessings over her life.  It was good to fellowship with friends and family.  IT WAS GOOD.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Honoring Mothers

The scorching sun slowly slid down the horizon cooling off the afternoon.  With a cup of punch in my hand I turned and surveyed the empty room, now echoing with the tired footsteps of my busy outreach team.

This was the first time we had planned a Mother's Day Event in somewhere other than our ministry base.  We were thrilled to be able to bless the moms of all our Little Giants.  Because of the crafts class (Manos a la Obra) we had some new faces this year.  Since our attendance continues to grow we have found that we no longer fit in the ministry base for events such as these.  Therefore we found ourselves looking for other alternatives.  A local resataurant with a room for events was the solution.  For the price of a hefty snack we were afforded use of the room which supplied us with ample space to spoil the mothers with a bit of attention just for them.

the snack

donated cakes for dessert- pictured above, Fielding Cage and Alfonso Alvarado cutting and serving the cake

Preparations for this day started several weeks ago as our staff worked hard to make decorations, make and deliver invitations and gather raffle prizes.

here you can see the tables set beautifully
Carla speaking, Sarah interpreting

The tables were beautifully set with hershy kiss rosebuds serving as center pieces.  Games and raffle prizes gave the moms a fun way to relax.  Praise, worship, and an encouraging word from our special guest, Carla Cage, rounded off the event.

A song and choreography

game time!

a time of worship before the message
a time of prayer and ministry at the end of the message

And event such as this costs around $5 per person- relatively low cost to bless these moms in such a way.  Please pray with us as we now look forward to our next event: Día del Niño, or day of the child.  This event will take place at the end of September, but we must start our planning now.  We need sponsors!!!  Consider sponsoring one or several children for this special day.

Special guest speaker, Carla Cage, loving on some of the mothers