Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Impacting a nation- one life at a time

My heart's desire is to change lives for Jesus.  God has been so very good to me- the least I can do is introduce others to an intimate relationship with Him so that He can bless and change their lives as well.

Over a decade ago I started out to do just that in the nation of Guatemala.  The path has held many unexpected twists and turns along the way, but about 7 years ago it landed me in the town of San José Pinula a few miles outside of Guatemala City.  My work with the children and families was hard going at first, but as things began to grow the Lord brought others to my side to help me in this task.  Those others have come and gone, but still I remain here, my heart still beating with that same passion- to impact a nation for Christ- one life at a time.

At times it surprises me (although it shouldn't) that the very ones who have come along side me to help are also the ones most impacted.

Today I am sharing a little about Xiomara.  She is one of the new members of our team.  Actually, in the latter part of last year the lady who keeps my kids during the day approached me about one of her neighbors.  Xiomara was interested in serving the Lord and working with us.  She asked if Xiomara could accompany my staff one day to observe how we work.

I was hesitant.  Ximara lives nearly 2 hours away by bus!  Goodness- couldn't the Lord bring someone more local to our staff???

But she came.  And she loved it.

She commented that she felt the same love and acceptance with our staff as she did at church.  She was impressed with the healthy, encouraging atmosphere of the ministry and insisted that this is where she wanted to work.

I sidestepped the issue, certain that the less than minimum wage, lack of benefits, and distance would not be beneficial to Ximoara.  I was blatantly honest with her about my concerns.

Yet she insisted.  And so in January she started.

After several weeks on staff I pulled her aside one morning to ask how things were going.  Her normally shy and reserved demeanor began to shine all over.  She told me how much she had grown spiritually in just the first few weeks.  "I have been to church all my life, but never been taught the things I am learning here.  I feel as though my relationship with God has improved so much.  This has made all the other well worth the while." was her excited response.
Xiomara is on the right

During a staff meeting last week she wiped tears from her eyes as she expressed her gratitude for being in such a place that fosters spiritual growth and by the time she finished testifying of the goodness of the Lord we were ALL wiping tears from our eys!

Today I thank God for staff members such as Xiomara, who are not afraid to tackle obstacles such as leaving home at 6:30am to ride the bus to nearly 2 hours to work and then the same distance back again.  I am thankful for staff members who desire to grow spiritually and who choose to allow God to work in their lives.  I am so thankful for bright smiles and excited staff members who make it possible for the work of Brazos Abiertos to continue.  I am thankful for Xiomara.

Xiomara in the kitchen, cooking a yummy meal for the Staff
ximoara and abi giving food to children at the feeding center

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