Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Not Convenient

It is not convenient to get a phone call from school telling me my 5 year old has a fever.  It is not convenient to keep him home for several days, having him underfoot and cranky when I have  a lot of work to do. 

It was not convenient when my toddler was getting molars and cried to be held ALL DAY LONG.

Walking the floors for hours with a colicky baby, having to change your clothes after being spit up on for the umpteenth time, changing a dirty diaper just before you walk out the door for church (already running late)- these things are not convenient.  Cleaning up a potty training accident while supper boils over is not convenient.  Having toys scattered across the living room right before company comes is not convenient.  Sitting up all night with a sick child knowing that you have real life waiting for you the next morning is not convenient.

HAVING CHILDREN IS NOT CONVENIENT.  They don't do the things they should do when they should do them.  They take naps too late ruining their bedtimes.  They track mud across the floor right after you have mopped.  They want your attention right when you get a phone call.  They dump a well-cooked meal onto the floor because they wanted something else.  They want to play when you want to rest. 

No, having children might not be very convenient--- but the incomparable rewards make it all worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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