Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Check-ups all around!

Wednesday was a day long awaited.

It was the second visit from the nutritionist who is volunteering his services to help the ABA feeding center.
The nutrionist
A list of children had been made up to see the nutritionist, some of them being first timers, waiting for their check-up so that they could join the program.

Wednesday started out bright and sunny.  My own morning was hurried with lots to do.  Getting Corban up and out of the door by 7:15 then getting Cohen and I ready to leave by 8:15.  Add potty-training to the mix and you can imagine all the fun I had before even 9am. 

Still, the day proved to be a successful day. 
just a portion of the food stuffs that the nutritionist brought to help the neediest families  
All of the families were grateful for the progress report and the donations given.  We are so pleased to announce that progress was indeed noted after just the first 2 months.  In fact, in a couple of the families there was a VERY notable difference in height and weight! 

a couple of families being interviewed before the stats were taken

Our staff has worked hard to make sure the children are receiving nutritious meals that are varied and appealing.  The nutritionist reviewed the menus we have been giving and congratulated us on well-balanced meals!!!
Yolanda- the principal person responsible for the menus

My toddler, at least one little boy who didn't need any supplements!

As this dream unfolds, I know it would not be possible without the dedication of our staff and the generous support of so many who give sacrificially.  I give thanks to God for all of you!  I have seen such a positive response from both from long time supporters as well as from new ones.  Because of this outpouring of love we will be able to service 15 more children!  Glory to God.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and  you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me...... Mathew 25:35-36a


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