Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Visitors make us smile

LaVerne loving on some of our girls
You know what it is like when company is coming.  Especially a long awaited guest.  You can't wait to show off your home and family.  The days seem to inch along and the clock never seems to budge as you count down until arrival time.  But somehow the wait makes the visit all the more sweeter...

It is the same with us at CCJ/ABA.  When company comes we are beside ourselves with anticipation.  Last week's visitor was especially long awaited... and especially sweet!  LaVerne has been in contact with us for several years always promising to visit.  The seconds ticked by on the clock.  The days on the calendar never seemed to change.  We waited and waited with sweet anticipation the arrival of our dear friend.  And at long last she was here!

LaVerne brought with her a suitcase full of donations she had collected.  These donations came right on time but then, God always supplies our needs right on time so I shouldn't have been surprised.  She observed our classes, she mingled with our staff, she brought a smile to our face, and her heart was joined with ours.

beginning the class with worship
I love to host guests and show off proudly what God has been doing in this town.  I am eager for them to see first hand the joy with which the children RUN to the Bible Clubs.  I want them to experience the move of God that is taking place here; to SEE and KNOW the difference their prayers, finances, donations, and friendship have been making in countless lives.

So LaVerne came.  She partook of the goodness of the Lord with us.  She left with a clearer understanding of what we do and why we do it.  She left with a deeper knowing of the part she has played in it all.  And she left us anxiously awaiting her next visit...

the boys having fun with some choreographed praise

5 year old taking care of 1 year old sister- a common occurrance

LaVerne sharing with some of the kids, again a brother taking care of his toddler sister

a special time of sharing with the team- celebrating Abi's birthday

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