Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

God's Protection

 Yesterday we celebrated Día del Niño (National day of the child) and what a celebration it was!  The theme was all about God's protection over our lives, comparing it to how a sea shell protects the marine life within.

At one point I stood back, amazed, at how the Little Giants Bible Club has grown.  Over the past 6 years we have gone from 20 children meeting under a small roofed area in someone's back yard to over 130 children in 3 meetings per week.

Yesterday we had 115 children gathered for the celebration.

Our staff of Yolanda, Chrissy, Kimberly, and Abigail were hard at work for weeks preparing for the event.  We were blessed to have the help of 4 volunteers from the church Psalms 150 come to help out.  Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture of everyone together as I would have liked.

The kids were eager to start.

Pastora Ana from the church Psalm 150 got the event started off with high energy.  She is an energetic little lady whose energy and happiness spill over onto others.
Then followed the games led by Abi and Kimberly
and a time of praise and worship lead by Yoli and our team of staff and volunteers
the children were lead in a precious time with the Lord
The memory verse came next which Chrissy reinforced with a game.
The Bible story was told in drama fashion.  The story of God's protection over the people of Israel as they left Egypt came alive for all 115 children who were held captive.


The people of Israel

The parting of the red sea was an awesome moment.  Due to the ingenuity of our volunteers the sea actually parted!!!!

craft time was next

Then the long awaited snack time.  Unfortunately for Corban and me, it was time for us to go.  One of the downfalls of still having a small child at home- the babysitter cannot stay but so late due to transportation issues (and the fact that she commutes over 2 hours each way).  Our time was up.  We asked for our hotdogs, chips, and cake to go.  Corban bemoaned the fact that we couldn't stay until the end.  I felt badly leaving everyone else with the snack, gift, and clean-up.  But this is the season of my life right now :)

three donated cakes

a sneak-preview of the gift given to each child.

We are immensely grateful: to those who generously gave towards this event, without you there would have been no celebration.  To the volunteers from the church Psalm 150 who gave selflessly of their time and energy and to the staff of Brazos Abiertos who worked hard to organize and carry-out the event.  Each of you had a vital role in making this celebration a success.  May God bless you abundantly!

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