Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Always an Adventure!

September in Guatemala is the rainiest season of the entire year.  Although at any given time through out the rainy season the weather can turn drastic, with rain pouring in sheets for days on end causing any number of catastrophes, in September it is worse.  Day after day the rain pummels down against the window panes.  Day after day of gray skies and muddy ground.  The clothes begin to mildew in the closets.  Mold pops up on the walls and around the window frames.  I begin to despair of ever seeing the sun again...

But eventually the sun does come out.  The ground dries.  The sky is a brilliant blue and the sun burns mercilessly down upon us making us wonder why we ever missed it in the first place.

Seasons change.

Each season is necessary.  Each season brings exactly what is needed to cause growth to prosper.

In CrossCulture Jesus (or Brazos Abiertos as we are known in Guatemala) we are at a time of changing seasons.  We have undergone tremendous growth as a result of God's grace and favor being poured down.  Now, as we enter another season, we are praying for more laborers to join us in order to sustain this growth.

Jesus said the harvest is ripe- and so it is!  We see a fruitful harvest in all that we do!  Jesus also said the laborers are few- and so they are.  However He instructed us to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers- and so we do.

Every day here is a new adventure.  All you have to do is scroll through past blog entries to see that no two days are alike.  Whether hiking to a distant orphanage or wading through muddy paths to reach a poor family´s home we do it joyfully.  Some days are spent excitedly planning an outreach and other days are spent under the hot sun teaching multitudes.  We have made lifetime friends in many communities and around the world.  We have seen families come to Christ.  We have seen God move in mighty ways to meet the needs of local families.  IT IS ALWAYS AN ADVENTURE.

What can you do to be involved in this adventure?
  1. Pray with us.  Make a commitment to pray for laborers to join our staff
  2. Make a 6 month to 1 year commitment to join our staff yourself (raising your own financial support)
  3. Send finances to support a local staff member's salary
  4. Pass this information on to as many friends, churches, youth groups, and Bible schools as you can.
Contact us and let us know how the Lord is leading you to partner with us in this effort to see our ministry fully staffed in 2014.

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