Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Mother's Day in San José

Mother's Day is a celebrated event world wide.  And why shouldn't it be?  Every day mother's all over the planet make sacrifices for the good of their children.  We give up our own hobbies so that we can take them to theirs.  We give up our own t.v. channels in favor of Mickey Mouse.  Despite the fashion divas we may have been we suddenly find our fashion budget spent on miniature outfits and our own closets full of last year's (or the year before's) clearance items.  Sleep and comfort become a thing of the past as we comfort sick and distressed children well into the night and in the early morning hours.  We strip off sweaters and suffer a chill so that our precious ones can wrap themselves instead.  The last piece of cake, the last of the icecream, food off of our own plate is directed into the mouths of our beloved tykes to whom we would deny nothing. 

As we live a life of continual sacrifice and continual giving we find that we are transformed more into Jesus every day.  He was the one who exemplified sacrificial living, giving up all His glory to come down to us.  He took on our sickness and gave us health.  He took on our curse and gave us blessing.  He took on our sin and gave us eternal life.  He sacrificed Himself even to the cross all out of love for us.  When I look to Jesus as my example to follow I find that even when I think I have given everything I can it still doesn't compare.  It makes giving up a few hours of sleep or slaving over a hot dinner seem very, very insignificant in comparison.  Still, it is what I have to give.  This is the example of giving and sacrifice that I can be for my children to show them a little bit of Jesus in our home.

On Saturday we celebrated 57 women whose daily sacrifices far outweigh mine.  These women are more the example of Christ than they realize.  Single mothers who slave over a hot fire making hundreds upon hundreds of tortillas all day long for just a few dollars a day.  A widow with 6 children who knits trinkets, purses and industrial wipes for less than many Americans spend at McDonald's.  Women who even in torrential rains walk their children miles to and from school to make sure they get an education.  Women who grow their own corn, then grind it and cook it into tortillas, tamales, and other Guatemalan meals.  Women who have suffered heart ache, abuse, and humiliation yet still strive to do the very best they can for their children.  These are the mothers of our Little Giants and the women we honored on Saturday last. 

The busy day started early even though the women were expected to arrive at 2pm.  Chrissy and Alfonso (who still helps when he can, bless his heart) were setting up the sound system in the restaurant before noon.  The rest of us gathered at the ABA base before noon for a quick lunch and to pack the car with all our supplies.  Earlier in the week the ladies had been busy making chocolate covered marshmallow butterflies to put at each place setting.  I am constantly amazed at the creativity on our team. 

After we arrived at the restaurant we got busy setting up the tables and putting up decorations.  Hats off to Chrissy who directed the whole event.  It was amazingly organized and very well planned.  She spent a great deal of time placing the centerpieces just right and the results were stunning.  (by the way, Chrissy and Yoli came up with the centerpiece idea and made them as well).

Our theme was the Transforming Power of God.  Which was depicted by using caterpillars and butterflies in all of the decoration.

 As always, we had a time of worship followed by a time of games.  Yoli and Chrissy directed the choreographed worship and Kimberly helped them with the games.

Our guest speaker was a friend of Chrissy's.  She did an amazing job sharing how Jesus had transformed her life and her family and encouraging the ladies to lay it all down at the cross and trust in the Lord to transform their homes as well.  When she invited all those who desired salvation and transformation to come forward the results were astounding- especially considering the highly catholic atmosphere in San José Pinula has made "going forward" a bit taboo.  Truly it was the work of the Holy Spirit and years of sowing the Word into these families.  I know some of the women who went forward were already saved.  In fact, they are active in their home churches, but knowing that they went forward for a touch from the Lord encouraged me that these women need more ministry and more encouragement.  May we be the vessel He uses!!

As always, some women were to shy to go forward.  They prayed in their seats.  Considering the women who went forward and those who prayed in their seats about 95% of the women received ministry that afternoon.  
Notice the mother with her baby in a sling- a common sight around here

It was an uplifting event.  Every year it grows larger.  Every year we see salvations take place.  Surely our annual Mother's Day event is one that should continue. 


We couldn't do this without you.  You are a part of changing these women's lives.  God bless you!!!!!!!

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