Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

The Next Chapter

When Alfonso left us, for a while it seemed as though he had left a hole that would be impossible to fill.  I have learned that each person is unique with their own gifts, callings, talents and strengths.  I have seen how each team member brings something new and special to our team- a something we wondered how we ever did without before!  Alfonso's something special had been with us so long that we couldn't even remember "before" and certainly couldn't imagine an "after".

However, he has been gone a month and a half now and in that time we have seen God do a work in each of us and in our team as a whole.

First, Yolanda, Chrissy, and I were forced to take on responsibilities that we had not had to worry with in the past.  Adding these challenges to our to-do list helped us to stretch, grow, and do things we didn't know we could do.  This was good.

Next, the Lord brought to our team a super young lady named Kimberly.  Kimberly has gifts and talents all her own.  Right now she is in the process of merging her talents with ours and we are seeing great things happen because of it.  This is good.

The most intriguing aspect of Kimberly's story is this...

When Alfonso came to us he was only a shadow of the person he grew to be.  Francisco and I feel as though the Lord has called and equipped us to train up others.  We saw this explicitly in Alfonso's life.  He was hesitant to step out of his comfort zone and take on responsibilities.  He had a volatile temper.  He was a bit of a class clown, not taking life or work very seriously.  But God had called him to more.  Under our tutelage (not that we take the credit for the work that God did) Alfonso grew to be an amazing leader who made solid decisions.  So much so that he is now in a position of much responsibility.

Wow.  We sowed and sowed into Alfonso's life.... and now someone else was reaping the benefit.  But so be it.  That is the way it is in the Kingdom of God.  We knew that Alfonso's season with us had its purpose and this new season had a purpose as well.

So, when Kimberly came along I thought how appropriate.  Kimberly and I have a history.  I began sowing into Kimberly's life when she was just 11 years old.  She is a former student of mine from a program in La Limonada, a marginal area of Guatemala City.  For 4.5 years I sowed into Kimberly's life daily, forming character, helping her and others to be the best they could be and all that God called them to be.  Now, 12 years later, she is married, has a baby girl and has almost finished college.  Often times we never see the results of what we have invested in others but this time I am privileged to be able to.

It is like a circle.  And I am glad to be a part of both the sending and receiving, the sowing and the reaping.  

So, we welcome Kimberly to our team.  We welcome her talents, her gifts, her callings and her something special.  We welcome this new chapter in Brazos Abiertos.
Brazos Abiertos Outreach Team from left to right: Kimberly, Chrissy, Yolanda, Sarah

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