Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Missionary Mommy

Aren't babies easy when they sleep?
As I sit here at the computer in my office I can hear Cohen, the 7 week old addition to our family, upstairs fighting the battle against sleep.  Why do babies fight sleep?  Does he know how much I would give to be able to lay down and sleep right now? 

So far this year the Asociación Brazos Abiertos (ABA) outreach team has gotten off to a great start.  Don't they always?  I am so grateful for the many years of faithfulness that Yolanda, Alfonso, and Chrissy have given to this ministry.  Because of their years of serving alongside us I am totally confident in their ability to carry on without my full presence for a while.  It is tricky to fulfill my roles as wife, mommy, and missions director when everyone and everything seems to need my immediate attention.  I am grateful for a team which understands that right now the baby is the one who wins.

A typical day for me right now.... wake up at 6am and begin getting Corban ready for pre-school.  Nurse the baby sometime in there.  Get Corban's breakfast, snack packed, and dress and ready baby for the day.  The bus comes for Corban around 7:45am.  Time for me to get breakfast and showered and ready for the day.  By then it is time for another feeding for the baby.  Now the baby is awake and wants to "play".  So, since this is likely the only time of the day when Cohen will get my undivided attention I play with him for the hour or so he is awake.  Maybe I give him a bath as part of that play time.  Naptime again... time for me to head to the computer.  I may or may not get an hour or two of time to dedicate to the ministry (I have finances, letters to write, phone calls to make, and other admin responsibilities).  then the baby wakes up--- and since at 7 weeks we have no solid routine he might wake up early from the nap which means I get no computer time. 

By then it is close to the lunch time and for Corban to come home from school.  Time to fix lunch and greet Corban as he gets off the bus.  The rest of the day is a juggle between the 2 children's needs and fixing dinner, etc.  Supper time rolls around, then the bedtime routine.  Which only Corban abides by.  Cohen gets colicky at night so after Corban goes to bed at 7:30pm I am up rocking and walkng a crying baby until 9 or 10pm (or later-- last night I was up until midnight).  At which time I fall exhaustedly into bed.  Then I hope to sleep until 5 or 6am--- but there are no guarantees!!!!!!

So, while my day is full of mommy duties right now- I cannot totally forget my duties as a missionary.  I still find time to pray and read my Bible.  I still intercede for the ministry and others on my prayer list.  I find that often I am praying as I walk with the baby at night as there seems to be no other time during the day.  And I frantically search for times during the day to take up my administrative and directoral duties - even if for just moments at a time.

Cohen with the team on his first visit to the mission base

Hardest of all is that my heart is still in the ministry.  While my priority at this time is found at home, my desire is still to be out there with the team teaching and preaching.  Learning to recognize seasons in one's life is one thng... embracing those seasons is sometimes hard. 

I appreciate your prayers as I adjust to this period in my life of "laying low" for a while and for our family as we all adjust and find a new rythm.  Pray for the ministry team as they carry my share of the work load right now.  And pray for the children and families we reach out to. 

I will write again soon with news on what the outreach team is accomplishing!!!

The Smith Family :)

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