Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Points to Ponder

Our ministry year is winding down.  Actually, it has wound down already!  Except for 2 more days of cleaning, organizing, and leaving things in order for next year- we are done! 

As with every year, we ended this year with Vacacion Bible School.  VBS is a really fun way to end our year.  The children have a blast learning Bible verses, doing crafts, enjoying a healthy snack, etc.  This year we were able to serve a very healthy Incaparina to all of the children each day.  There was enough for seconds (and thirds) thanks to a generous donation by the Solid Rock Youth Group. 

In San José Pinula we have a group of children who for some reason (ignorance, really) refuse to bathe.  They are always caked with dirt and a rank smell surrounds them.  They kind of remind me of Pigpen from Charlie Brown.  Now, I know that their home does not have water on a regular basis, but they do have a rain barrel set out.  They have become convinced that bathing too often will make them sick.  How far from the truth that is!!!!!!

This year for VBS we informed this group of siblings that if they did not bathe before coming to VBS we would not let them through the door.  They did it!  They took a bath every day before VBS.  Granted, it was a bath in a bucket of water, but they were clean.  They used cheap soap and cheaper shampoo, but they bathed every day.  Some days they showed up with teeth chattering and hair wet still, but they did it. 

It is a shame we felt the need to inforce this rule, but if these children don't learn to be clean they will suffer a number of consequences.  The first and obvious one is that their health will suffer.  Second, if they grow up without realizing the importance of bathing they will have a very hard time getting a job.  Even a humble job cleaning homes (which pays next to nothing in Guatemala and is usually reserved for those women who have not other option) will be difficult to secure if they stink!!!!! 

Over all, the week was a success.  The children had great fun.  They learned about the armor of God using a cowboy theme.

After a week of VBS in San José Pinula, the team was off to Santiago Atitlan where they hosted another Bible School. 

This is the interesting part.  Yolanda was able to take her husband and 2 children with her this year.  They were busy, busy, busy teaching VBS to dirty, barefoot children whose native tongue is a Maya Dialect.  Our small staff had to use interpreters to get the job done!  They are not used to language barriers or cultural differences.  This was a fantastic missions experience that opened their eyes and hearts.

On the last evening of the trip, the team shared with one another the different aspects of the week that had impacted them.  Rebecca, Yolanda's 11-year-old daughter, cried as she talked about how most of the children had no shoes and the level of poverty they live in.  She was moved to tears to see how much she had in comparison.  And do you know what?!?!?!  Rebecca is poor herself!  She also has very little.  She lives in a very poor squatter's town herself.  Yet as she allowed the Lord to use her she took on an attitude of gratitude for what she had compared to these children. 

We should all be like Rebecca, instead of allowing our eyes to focus on what we don't have, we should be thankful for what we do have, AND READY TO SHARE IT WITH OTHERS!. 

All of the team members were impacted by the lack of love these children recieve on a daily basis, the lack of compassion and affection even in their own homes.  It was a time of reflection for all of them.

However, it is important to remember is that while we can see that Santiago Atitlan has more physical and material needs than San José Pinula (our mission base) there are several missionaries and ministries in and around the Lake Atitlan area with a variety of programs.  On the other hand, We are the only mission organization currently located in San José Pinula.  Just a thought to ponder on.

So as we finish of the year 2011 I am grateful that Jesus has given us the opportunity to minister in San José Pinula- shaping and forming the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of children and their families.  I look forward to next year and the new challenges and victories it will bring. 

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