Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Manos a La Obra

The group of women nervously stood around the workroom murmuring among themselves.  For most of them this was the first time they had come in contact with our organization - Asociación Brazos Abiertos.

An example of one of Yolanda's flower arrangements
Manos a La Obra is a new project we have started this year.  For ABA it is a new way to meet a community need and share the gospel- all cleverly disguised as a crafts class!  Yolanda, unlike myself, is very talented in the crafts department.  She done wonders with flower arrangements.  When she approached me with this idea that she had in her heart to offer a class to the community women designed to teach them affordable, easy crafts that they could later sell to supplement the family income I was immediately drawn to it.

Yolanda giving instructions

The class at work

examples of the crafts planned for March
The classes have only just begun in March and have been well recieved.  Some of the women who are attending are mothers of our Bible Club children, others were in the Literacy program, but the majority of them are new to us.  We are so excited to once again be embarking upon new ground.  Reaching new families for Jesus, getting to know the ladies, listening to and praying for the burdens on their hearts.  Truly, Yolanda is the perfect person for this job.  She is patient and kind.  The Word of God is always on her lips.  The ladies seem to take to her almost as a mother figure despite the fact that  most of them are her age or older!

Yolanda's workspace
In the middle of our small and barely organized supply room, with craft and office supplies overflowing, teaching materials pouring off of shelves, and donations crammed into closets to await home visits, sits a long table which now serves as Yolanda's work place.  It is here, amidst this semi-organized chaos, that Yolanda's creativity springs forth into reality as she fabricates an example craft for each class.

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