Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

The Biggest Little Giants

Spread out across the floor of my office are various sheets of paper in various colors---

Scribbled on these miscelaneous sheets of paper are the testimonies of children who have grown up in the Little Giants.  They are not so Little anymore and their stories inspire us to continue.

Teenager after teenager writes about how coming to our Bible Club has changed their lives.    All of them mentioned enjoying the games, skits, and fellowship with others.  This didn't surprise me- what teenager doesn't enjoy these things.  But what really warmed my heart was to flip through page after page and come upon comments such as, "I have learned to apply the Word of God to my life", "my homelife is better since I have learned how to trust God", "I have learned that God has a plan for me", "I am learning the Word of God", and "I am now able to worship God in Spirit and in Truth."

It was about 7 years ago that I first started visiting some of the villages of San José Pinula.  The children who wrote these comments were then just 7 and 8 years old.  My staff and I have watched them grow and been privileged enough to have been a part of their lives and to have given them a platform of faith off of which they are being launched into adulthood. 

I am humbled to realize how so many people, like threads in a tapestry, have woven in and out of the lives of these teenagers weaving something beautiful to behold.  My heartfelt thanks to the teachers who came after me to weekly sow the Word and love of God into the hearts of the Little Giants.  My deepest gratitude to friends and family who have sown prayers, finances, and materials into the Little Giants program.  A sincere thank you to the countless mission teams that have left their mark forever in San José Pinula. 

Together we are sowing seeds of hope and reaping eternity. 

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