Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014


Many, many years ago I felt a soft, almost silent, tugging at my heart to teach children about God and all of His wonderful promises.  That tug slowly and gently pulled me into the place I am right now, overseeing an energetic ministry that reaches hundreds of children and their families for Christ.

They say experience is the best teacher and over the past decade and a half I have lived so many exciting and not-so-exciting experiences that I feel I have at the very least been promoted a grade or two.

It would seem that others share that opinion because of late we have been asked more and more to help area churches and other missionaries in the area of chidlren's ministry.  When Pastor Antonio approached me a Little over 6 weeks ago to help him get a children's ministry up and running in his church I was thrilled. 

A very prevelant problem in Latin America is the lack of resources, knowledge, and interest in children's Sunday School.  This church was no different.  Despite being a thriving church of several hundred members, the Sunday School was basically non-existent. 

To start things off, the pastor invited me to speak at a mid-week service to get the congregation aware of the need and importance of children's ministry and to get them excited about the possibility of a vibrant children's ministry right in their midst.

Then came a series of 4 Friday night clases to train the interested children's workers. 

The first time we met several people expressed verbally that they had only come out of curiosity.  Others because as parents they wanted more tools to apply in the home.  A few stayed quietly behind and with an embarassed darting of the eyes confessed that they could not read but vowed to do their best anyway.

Needless to say, it was a motly crew that was only half interested.

But the atmosphere became charged with expectency as more than 30 students gathered to gleam from our knowledge and experience.  Each night the time slipped by un-noticed as the ABA Impact Team assisted me in making children's ministry come alive before their eyes with songs, skits, stories, dramas, prizes, and more.  Each Friday night our students became more enthusiastic.

By the time the series was complete we had been witness to the fact that the gifting and calling of children's ministry that had been laying dormant in so many had become stirred up by the laying on of hands.  Also that by making the visión plain this group of teachers was finally able to run with it.

On the very last night, before the diplomas were handed out, we asked for testimonies.  We expected to hear a few people share about how much they had learned.  What we Heard was so much more. 

One man told how as a child he had never recieved love in the home and although he WANTED very much to be an effectice children's leader he had no previous example to go by.  He now felt that he had recieved something from us he had never recieved before: unconditional love and a godly example of children's ministry.

Another told how he had grown up without a lot of guidance and had never been taught how to speak lovingly and patiently to children, he felt that through this course GOD had sown into his life a knowlege of how to treat others and speak words of life. 

One woman told how she had come to learn how to be a better parent, but that during the 4 weeks God had touched her heart with a passion for children's ministry and now she has decided to form a permanent part of the children's ministry team.

Another girl shared how she had never felt a desire to serve God at all.  She had only wanted to come to church but never serve.  Out of mere curiosity she came to the course and had since made a pact before the Lord to serve Him wholeheartedly in the Sunday School.  She was teary-eyed as she spoke of her eagerness to serve God. 

In talking with students before and after class we Heard testimony after testimony of how GOD touched and changed lives through this Sunday School Training Course. 

Just one more way your partnership with us is bringing the góspel to children in this town.  Just one more way the passion and visión is being multiplied.

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