Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

A Little Push

The weather had finally turned warm.  My boys and I were outside playing with bikes and trikes.... when suddenly Cohen realized that his feet now reach the pedals!  Little by Little, bit by bit the wheels began to turn.  Cohen's grin grew wider and wider. 

Just like all two-year-olds, Cohen is bound and determined to do it all and do it all by himself.  Any time I happened to step just a bit too close for his comfort he would point in a direction well away from himself and demand, "Mami go!  By self!"  and I knew that meant I was supposed to step back to a distance too far away to touch the tricycle and allow him to do it by himself.

And so we went.

It was an enjoyable afternoon of firsts and great achievements.  As Cohen became more adept I suggested we venture around the block.  A great idea in theory.  But as we came to our first speed bump I realized my mistake.  Cohen bumped into the obstacle before him.  Despite his best efforts to pedal up and over the speedbump his Little legs just didn't have the strength.  He pushed, he pedaled, he let out a frustrated scream.  I approached to give him a gentle push and was met once again with is displeasure. 

"No, Mami.  By self!" was the Sharp reprimand. 

Cohen would not accept help, yet I could see that this was something he COULD NOT do by himself.


It was then that the Lord spoke to my heart.  How often have we been in a place where we could not go forward on our strength alone.  Still, independent and determined, we refuse to accept help from the One that could help us. We sit, stuck and frustrated with the situation needing a push.  Just enough to get us over the bump.  Yet we refuse.

CrossCulture Jesús is at a place in time where I must recognize that we need a Little push.  Just a Little one.  Just enough to get over this bump.  Our monthly budget exceedes our income.  In order to continue to pay staff salaries (which are under mínimum wage as it is) we need to see a montly increase.  Also, we are in desperate need of a full-time administrator to oversee the paperwork side of things.

Please pray with us for that push to come at just the right time from just the right sources.  Pray with us for God to speak to hearts and for those hearts to be open to His leading. 

Above all, thank God with us for all of our supporters who already stand behind us pushing us along and helping us to get over the obstacles we have faced along the way over the past decade or so.

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