Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

A Visit from Iowa

This morning as I sat and gently rocked my FINALLY napping toddler, I let my mind wander back over the past week (which has flown by, by the way) and pray over the mission team that is here.  I am learning to really take advantage of "down time" and use it to move mountains with faith and prayer.

First of all, Monday was my first day back on the job so to speak.  Yolanda and I wrapped up all the final details for the team from Iowa that would be arriving late that night.  We went to the retreat center where they will be staying and looked over the rooms, assigned beds, ironed out last "wrinkles", etc. 

AND THEN CAME TUESDAY.  My mom, who flew back with me to help with the kids on the plane, signed up for a day of work and fun.  Together we left home at 6am to pick up the interpreter, then we hurried to the retreat center to have a staff meeting before the 7am breakfast.
Staff meeting

aaahhh, the little known details of mission team preparation!
Henry, the driver,and I talking over the route

After meeting the team and being reunited with team coordinator- Justin (I had worked with him previously when we were both younger, I was just an interpreter and he a team member) we ate breakfast and got busy.

Let me take a moment to say that I learn something from every team that comes.  This team is no different.  I have so enjoyed working with a group so excited to be sharing the gospel.  These young people have no pretensions, they have no ulterior motive, I have seen no haughtiness.  I have only detected sincere and humble hearts. 
The boys!  Justin is in the back on the right
The girls!

one of the games
These young people are awesome at keeping the atmosphere exciting during the outreaches.  I suspect they must have worked with children at some time and some place before because they do it with such ease.  Their program consists of exciting, novel games which have kept the crowd of children eagerly participating.  Dramas which paint a simple picture of salvation.  And a message which is concise, to the point, and expertly delivered.

Pastor Josh's message
I am only just now meeting the famous Josh!  He is a fantastic youth leader.  If I lived in Iowa and were under the age of 18 I would definitely be sitting under Pastor Josh's teaching.  His message is clear and made alive by object lessons and examples.  His language is easy to understand.  He is excited about what God can do for us and this excitement flows over into his teaching.  Pastor Josh is sincere in his love of God and love for others.  I am glad to have met him and hope to count he and his family as friends in the future.

The first morning was very, very full with 3 public school outreaches- reaching nearly 1,000 children (not counting teachers) just that one morning.

As the week progresses I continue to hear amazing testimonies of how the youth on this team have been touched and how they are touching others.

Although at times tiring, my family and I really enjoy hosting teams.  Truly we are thankful that they are here.  God has blessed us with an amazing staff to carry the torch so to speak as I get my family settled back into "real life". 

His hand is in this and we shall see the fruit.  I look forward to sharing testimonies.

a warm-up worship song to get everybody excited

My mom helping to pass out candy as children leave

happy children after the program
As you read this, please pray for the team this week. Pray for divine guidance, divine protection, and for God's anointing to set the captives free!!!!!
children reciting the pledge at the first school we visited

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