Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Hometown Missions

You know, I have been a missionary for 14 years now- 13 of those years I have been established in Guatemala.  Yet, I never cease to be amazed at the number of comments I get from well meaning individuals who question my desire to GO into ALL THE WORLD to preach the gospel (as the great commission commands us to do).  Quite a few people have reminded me of the needs we have "right at home" and admonished me to busy myself with serving God in my hometown instead of going so far away.

I now sit in the quiet of my home (an unusual occurrence nowadays!) and reflect on my life and my decision to move away from where I grew up.  I suppose our trip to Virginia being every day closer is the cause of my deep thoughts today.

It is true, there is much to do in the community where I grew up.  It is true, there are hurting people right in Richomond, Hanover, King William, and King and Queen.  There is even a growing Latino community in Virginia with needs all its own.  I didn't have to move across the continents in order to serve the Lord.  But I felt called to.  And perhaps, one day, we as a family will feel the Lord tugging on our hearts to move again.  For now, though- I wonder if perhaps those same people who question my leaving aren't the very same ones that Jesus wants to use to reach out to Richmond and its surrounding areas.  It sounds as though they have a burden on their hearts for the people I left behind.  A burden that the Lord placed there.  So, what I have to say to those who would like me to stay behind is YOU DO IT.  YOU serve the Lord in your community.  YOU be the hands and feet of Jesus where you are.

As for me- this is my home now.  My family and I are rooted here for the time being.  We ARE serving the community we live in.  And not only in CrossCulture Jesus, the missions organization we founded, but also in the local church we attend, Bible studies we have fostered, and by simply reaching out to our neighbors.

Let us all be like trees planted by the water, let us all bear fruit in our season in the place we are planted and in the places the Lord may replant us.  Let us all make disciples of all nations- the one we are currently located in and as much as possible others as well.

The responsibility to serve the Lord and bless others belongs to all of us.

Pictures of us being at home in Guatemala....

me getting a refresher course in tortilla making

Corban, who "took notes" during my refresher course- making tortillas with play-doh

Corban and Papi filling the piñata at Corban's 4th birthday

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