Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Getting ready for a whole new adventure!

I am sitting here in my tiny office at the foot of the stairs.  Mountains of supplies threaten to tumble right on top of me! 

Yes- it is that time again.  Time to pack!!!!!  Time to travel!!!!!!  I haven't been back to the States since before my last pregnancy.  I am so anxious to be back on my home lands.  I cannot wait to walk through the dense forest on my Daddy's farm, skip rocks on the pond, ride the horse, listen to - NOTHING... and gather my thoughts once again. 

Time off of the mission field is a refreshing time for me.  The peace and quiet of the farm life, with no immediate demands on my time allows me a much needed break.  I have time to think.  I have time to pray.  I have time to meditate on the Word.  And best of all- I am surrounded by family willing to entertain the boys and give me a much needed chance to be a person besides mommy.  I am surrounded by friends who encourage me in the Word and prayer. 

aaaahhhhh, it will be so good to be home. 

But now, the seemingly insurmountable task of packing, packing, packing.  Checking that we have enough formula and diapers for a while.  Making sure we have enough entertainment packed for the plane.  Let's not forget snack foods since the airlines now charge and arm and a leg (and probably a few fingers) for a meal.  I must make sure I have presentations and messages ready for the churches I will be visiting.  Gifts for friends, family, supporters.  Oh, and keys to houses and such.  I have actually compiled a check list and made an itinerary!!!!! 

Corban is home from school today because tomorrow is Independence Day in Central America.  That makes the beginning stages of packing all the more fun.  It seems that whatever I set aside to pack is suddenly a new (or at least forgotten) and interesting possibility for play!  And the ceaseless questions: are we going on our trip today?  Will we see snow at Aunt Ellen's house?  What is this?  Why are you packing this?  Which one is my suitcase?  Can I help? 

So, I am armed with patience, creative packing ideas, a good worship CD, and now I am ready to work!!!

A whole new adventure awaits this family - traveling as a family of 4 to Virginia!!!!!

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