Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

National Children's Day

I sat in the shade on the step outside of the chapel for a much needed break.  Corban raced up and down the stairs still full of energy while I gathered my wits about me for a moment.  The rest of the staff was inside, busily packing all of our props and cleaning the chapel we had used for our event.  As I sat there, I reflected on the morning.

Friday morning had been full, very full.  Full of fun, full of activity, full of ministry.  123 Children total attended the event which we had been planning for quite a while.  The smiles and laughs confirmed for us that everyone had a great time. 

In the above picture you can see the girls side of the chapel.  We divided the room into boys and girls as we often do.  This picture was taken before the event actuallys started, by the time we began we were out of space. 

Unfortunately, some of the scenery didn't make it through until the end, as you can see here.  Before we begin the actual teaching we like to do a game or two with the children.  This helps get their attention and get the wiggles out a bit.  In this game the children were instructed to pass stuffed lions back to the Lion's Pit at the end.  Our theme was on Daniel and the Lions.  The trick was for the first person to pass the lion over the head, then the next person between the legs, and so on and so forth until they reached the pit.  The boys side won!  However, I did see them cheat just a bit.  hmmmmmmm

 To the left you will see Justin praising the Lord with us.  Yolanda lead the children in a praise song, then a slower worship song.  We are teaching these children how to enter into the presence of the Lord in worship.

After the worship time, Yolanda lead the children in a prayer.  It was the perfect moment to pray as they were already focused on the Lord through worship.  Amazing how our staff can keep the attention of 123 children where it needs to be.  I thank God for such a great team whose desire is to see these precious little ones grow in the Lord. 

Bible verse time!!!!  In the top picture I am teaching the verse to the children.  We shortened 1 Peter 5:9 to simplify it a bit, without losing the meaning.  I got the children to read the cards, then turned the children holding the cards around one by one... still repeating the verse as we went.  By the time we were done the children had memorized the verse completely.  To make it even more fun we tried repeating the verse in different tones of voice and volumes. 

After learning the verse, Chrissy played a review game with the children to test their skills and see if they had indeed learned the memory verse.  The object of this game was to take 2 "lion catchers" outside while the staff passed out the memory verse cards randomly among the rest of the children.  Those children with a card were the lions.  Once the lion catchers returned to the room their job was to find the color card assigned to them and assmeble the words in the right order.  A fun way to reinforce the lesson.

 Next we shared the story of Daniel and the Lions - told from the Lions' point of view.  It was great fun to be creative and imagine what the Lions' reaction might have been to all that happened in the Lions' Den that day!  Chrissy and Alfonso were the puppeteers.

This picture of Yolanda is blurry, but perhaps you can see her dressed up as a Lion.  She was the main character in the skit, telling how the Daniel came to be with them and how the Angel closed her mouth. 

She confessed that "acting is not her thing" and that this assignment really stretched her as a person.  We love to challenge our team members to do more and be more than they ever thought they could.  We always find that when they rise to the challenge God is able to form things in them that they never thought possible.

It was a long day for some of our attendees.

Snack time!!!!  A piece of cake, a hotdog, and chips.  mmmm, more like lunch, really. 

Take a peek below at how some of the children were enjoying their snack break.

what a sweetie!  notice how his front teeth have rotted away.  Lack of hygiene products and information.  One of our goals in CCJ is to provide the families with the hygiene products they need and give them the proper information.

Most of the children turned their chairs into makeshift tables!

Corban observing the hanging of the piñata- stick in hand and ready for action
Of course we can't forget the piñata!!!!  What children's event in Latin America would be complete without a piñata!?!?!?  The children were very excited about it.  I was a little nervous.  Imagining 123 children throwing themselves on top of one another to reach the candy was too much for me to ponder on for very long.  I forbid Corban from trying to get any candy this time.  That didn't stop him from taking a turn at hitting the piñata, though.  In fact, from snack time onward he wandered around searching for the hidden piñata and once they started to hang it up he grabbed the stick and refused to let go of it until after his turn was over. 

taking the first turn

look at the crowd waiting for the first drops of candy!

Alfonso dumping out the candy after the piñata was broken
After the piñata it was time to go home.  The children and their moms lined up to leave single file so that a bear shaped waterbottle and a stuffed animal could be given to each child.  Chrissy took her own funds to purchase stuffed animals at a second hand store.  Her smile matched the children's as she handed out the

Yolanda handing out waterbottles

happy kids with their gifts

Chrissy handing out stuffed animals
This event really turned out well.  The comments we heard as the parents and children were leaving were all positive.  A big thank you to Yolanda, Alfonso, Chrissy, and Trini - our staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make this day a success.  A big thanks to Chrissy and Yolanda for spending Thursday afternoon decorating the chapel.  Also a thank you to the SRY youth group who financially sponsored the event.  The snacks, chapel use, cake, and waterbottles were thanks to the offering they gave. 

The success of events such as these is due to the faithfulness of God, who provides our needs through the generosity of sponsors and donors.  Please prayerfully consider how you can help us make VBS a success.  In November and December we will be holding 2 Vacation Bible Schools.  One in San José Pinula, the other in Santiago Atitlan.  We need $200 for this.  If the Lord places it on your heart to sow a seed towards VBS, please see our webiste for giving details.  Keep us in your prayers!  The effective, ferverant prayer of a righteous man availeth much. 

Also, feel free to check out our website for other information.

God bless you!!!!

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