Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Doña Venancia

As I sit here and look out of my window at the glorious sunshine, I am reminded of just a week ago when the view was nothing like this.  Torrential rain pounded the windows, the grass was swallowed in mud, the wind beat against the doors.  Yet I was still here, in my home, cozy. 

In her kitchen where she cooks over a wood fire

Not everyone has that privilege.  Doña Venancia is one such person whose life does not involve many luxuries or privileges.  She is a sweet, quiet woman who has been a part of our ministry for the past 4 years.  In fact, her family was one of the very first to get involved with the Little Giants Bible Club. 

I remember those first visits to her home when she had a huge sow (that's a female pig for you city folk) in a pen behind her house.  The pig pen was only as big as the pig.  This huge sow had just enough room to stand up and lay down.  Doña Venancia was getting her fat and ready for the slaughter.  We used to joke about eating pork rind.  Then one day we went to visit and the pig was no more!  Doña Venancia's family was feasting for months!

Despite her obvious poverty, Doña Venancia gives us delicious homemade tidbits when we visit
Doña Venancia has 3 dependent children.  The oldest being around 13 years of age.  They live in a small home which was just one room but now has been added onto a bit.  Her house has a tin roof, plywood walls, and a dirt floor.  The room is basically a bedroom with 2 beds sitting on cinder blocks so that the legs won't rot during the rainy season when her floor becomes mud.  There are clothes hung all along the wall and stacked in boxes on the floor.

There is no running water and there is no electricity, so her children do their homework outside before dusk.

She is fortunate in that thus far all of her children have been able to study.

Doña Venancia recieving a certificate at the 2010 Literacy Class awards ceremony
Doña Venancia's father didn't believe in educating women.  Neither she nor her sisters learned to read or write.  Their father declared that they would only use that knowledge to send notes to boyfriends and be in rebellion.  Determined to achieve a better life, Doña Venancia has spent the past 2 years in our Literacy program and has proven to be a star student.  She has surpassed other students who have been studying with us for one or two years more.  She rarely misses class, and comes even when finding bus money has proven difficult.  She simply walks the few miles there and back!!!! 

She is truly an example of perseverance to all of us.

Doña Venancia and her family didn't really know the Lord when they started attending our programs.  Like a lot of people, they were vaguely familiar with who God was and what the Bible stood for.  Yet after 4 years of faithfully walking a couple of miles to the Little Giants Bible Club once a week rain or shine, she and her children have come to know the Lord.

I remember specifically the day she raised her hand in an altar call and gave her life to Jesus.  Tears streamed down her weather worn cheeks as the grace of God overwhelmed her. 

As a result of her dedication in her home and determination to do the best she can for her children and family we at CrossCulture Jesus have been moved beyond words.  It seems someone is always stepping up to provide food for her family or bus money for Doña Venancia to attend classes.  I am sure that this is a direct result of her prayers.

But now she needs our prayers.  Doña Venancia's husband has been seeing other women for quite a while.  There are months at a time when he doesn't give her any money at all to buy food or pay for schooling for their children.  Now he is threatening to leave altogether.  He has refused to continue to pay for the children's education saying that they can all go to work now and help support the family.  The youngest is about 8 years old or so. 

Doña Venancia is heartbroken and concerned for the future of her children.  She is currently looking for any type of work so that she can pay for next year's school expenses and put food on the table.  Not only that, but she is in need of medical care for gall bladder problems and doesn't have the money for this either.

Please keep Doña Venancia and her family in your prayers.  We at CCJ continue to edify her by reminding her of God's promises to take care of her.  As we encourage her and pray for her the Holy Ghost tugs on our hearts and reminds of the epistle of James where we are told that faith without works is dead.  Each of us has done what we can to help supply some of Doña Venancia's need.  If the Lord places on your heart to help in anyway, don't hesitate to contact us.

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