Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Little Giants

Corban sat in the back seat of the car in his carseat.  "The car is jumping." he exclaimed as we turned off the main road and onto a dirt road full of rocks.  We were headed to the Wednesday morning "Little Giants" Class in Santa Inés. 

We arrived and parked our car in the retreat center parking lot.  Las Alturas has generously lent us space in one of their chapels to hold our twice weekly Bible class for children.  As we walked towards the chapel we could hear children laughing as Alfonso lead them in a fun game. 

The Little Giants is a Bible class we designed to take into the predominately catholic villages of San José Pinula.  The class consists of games, stories, object lessons, and a Bible verse all centered around a central theme.  Chrissy and Alfonso bring tons of life to the class with creative ideas and dynamic interaction.  I agreed to join them on Wednesday.  As I walked in with Corban by my side I fondly remembered old times when I was the one in front of the children constantly.

I situated Corban up front near another boy about his age (Justin).  Then the class began. 

We alway ask the kids to sit up straight and pay attention.  Here is one example of a young girl doing just that!!!  We give prizes out to the kids who are best behaved and encourage the others to follow suit.

We have asked our kids to come dressed as cowboys for the next class.  We are having a cowboy birthday party for the kids who had birthdays in May.  This little guy got confused and came dressed for the party a week early!

Look at how this little princess is dressed.  Fashion in the village is determined by what clothes you have available.

As you can see from the shoes below, shoes and socks are much needed items around here.

We always have game time.  These two girls didn't win, but they had a good time trying!

Take a look at the banana tree through the window.  The retreat center is on a beautiful piece of property with fruit trees all around.  Just outside this particular chapel are banana trees and fig trees. 

my teaching style has changed over the past couple of years.  I never know when my faithful "helper" is going to come forward to lend a helping hand!  Here I am talking about how the seeds we find in food produces more food... just another way that God provides for us.

Chrissy always comes up with fantastic craft ideas.  This lesson about how Jesus multiplied the bread and loaves was all about God's provision.

We followed up the teaching by making fish out of lunch bags (brought from the States) to remind us always that God will provide for us.

Here is Alfonso helping some of the smaller guys with their fish. 

 Another little cowboy (also confused about the date) and a little girl are showing off their fish.  They were both very proud of their efforts.  Please note the condition of this girl's clothes.

Another happy face.  The older girls especially enjoy craft time and often help the younger kids.

It was a productive, happy morning for all of us.  The Little Giants are truly giants indeed.  They are making leaps and bounds in their faith.

To those of you who give into this ministry - THANK YOU!

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