Adventures in Faith, learning every step of the way

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

A dream of mine....

I hope today's entry helps you to dream a little bit along with me.  I have loved this country and its children for 11 years now.  It seems that whenever I have a chance to go to the public schools, orphanages, or villages and spend just the tiniest amount of time with these precious little souls, they somehow weave their way into my heart forever.
Today I travelled with a small group of people to a mountain area a little over an hour away from our current ministry site.  The view was breathtaking, the weather a delicious cold.  We were able to visit 3 schools all relatively close to a piece of property that we hope to own someday.  Attending these schools are a total of approximately 240 children representing approximately 100 families.  I fell in love with those little faces.  The children around this rural area are true farm folk.  Walking and horses are the main means of transportation.  Most of them probably wash clothes and body in nearby streams and creeks.  They are a simple folk with a simple lifestyle.  

Tragically, few if any, of the children I met today have heard the gospel.  Few, if any, know that God has a plan and a purpose for them.  Few, if any, attend any church at all.  What a goldmine of souls just waiting to be dug into!  

My dream is to oneday be able to take the ABA outreach team regularly to these remote areas to share the gospel and minister to these families.  Dream with me.  For this to be possible we need more missionaries, more mission teams, more brave soldiers for the Lord battling for souls along with us.  We need to make sure our current outreaches are not neglected and that we meet our monthly budget each month.  We need, we need, we need.  It is so easy to focus on what we need and get our eyes off of who supplies our needs.  

Dream with me.  Pray with me.  The Lord will show you how you can help this dream become a reality, whether by bringing a team or sending finances.  
God bless you!

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